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The story of a place from Antiquity until today. The discovery of a very important archaeological site in a village of Macedonia and the public and everyday life of its people now and then.
The film presents the excavations in Kalamoto village in the modern Thessaloniki Perfecture, which unearthed the ancient city of Kalindoia, identified by an inscription dating from Alexander the Great.
This fertile region with the two burial mounds, next to the Amitis river, was inhabited from the Prehistoric until the Roman period.|
Among the ruins, we can see the “Sevasteio”, a temple used for imperial worship, dating from the 1st century B.C. until the 3rd century A.C.
Besides the well-preserved remains of buildings, the excavation unearthed many important sculptures and inscriptions, that enriched our knowledge about the cities of ancient Macedonia. These objects, after their conservation in the Archaeological Museum of Thessaloniki, are presented in the exhibition “Kalindoia, an ancient city in Macedonia”.