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Following the traces of the Omeyads

By 05/12/2011November 8th, 2021No Comments

After the fall of Byzantium, the Omeyades, the first muslim dynasty, ruled from the 7th century over a large empire extending from Persia to Spain. Omeyad art originates from the assimilation of various cultures from the conquered countries. A mixture of byzantine, greco-roman and muslim art. During the excavations on the site of El Feddein in Jordan, a french archeologist discovered rare objects dating from the Omeyad era. With the jordanian authorities’ consent, these objects were entrusted for restoration to EDF (Electricité de France), in the frame of its “Patronage for Technology”. The first part of the film recounts the dynasty’s history. The second part, which is illustrated with views of the site and the finds, deals with the discovery of the objects. The third part, which was shot at the EDF-Valectra laboratories, has to do with the restoration of the objects and the techniques that were applied to restore their past splendour without affecting their original nature.