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The bull is wild. Man wants to control, to tame, to eat it. And this has been happening since the beginning of time. “Tauro” is a short film about man’s most ancient relationship with animals. Everything begins with the Lascaux Cave Paintings. Already, the bull appears on the cave walls, as one of man’s favorite animals of prey. Later, as man tames the bull, it becomes a mythological being, it takes part in bull-fights, becomes a useful animal and is bred. In this way, the bull is sometimes a hunter and other times hunted, and his relationship with man –from the depths of time to today– remains controversial. The depiction of these age-old developments through only a few images in an animated film has been fully achieved in “Tauro”. A series of images extend from cave-painting, ancient pottery and Durer’s “Birth of Christ” to Picasso’s renderings of bull fighting.