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Those on the other side (Oi apéki)

By 24/10/2012November 8th, 2021No Comments

The film presents the Greek minority in Albania. The history of the “Greeks on the other side” (as they call themselves) is approached through the poetry, legends, demotic music and the polyphonic songs of Northern Epirus. It traces their history from antiquity through Byzantium to this day, by looking at archaeological sites, theatres, at Vouthroto, Apollonia, Antigoneia and the Byzantine monuments. By means of stirring interviews, the film shows their struggle to preserve the Greek language, the Orthodox faith and their self-respect through the ages. Finally, the present state of affairs: the desolation of their land as a result of the younger generation’s flight to Greece.

  • Direction: MARIA MAVRIKOU
  • Production: MARIA MAVRIKOU, GFC