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The Olkas was a famous medieval merchant vessel which carried cargos all over Byzantium and outside it. Apart from the goods, it inevitably carried ideas, values, religious convictions and artistic trends which have greatly influenced the cultural heritage of the whole region.
In this documentary we follow a route from the Aegean to Black Sea and we drop anchor to all the important trade-hubs of Northern Greece, Bulgaria, Romania, Ukraine, Georgia and Turkey, in which the medieval ship passed. Following these maritime routes, we try to discover all the elements that bring together the people and highlight the cultural, tourist and economic relations, through the medieval monuments preserved. The monuments, movable and immovable, reflect the historical, social, economic and cultural conditions within which the culture has been created and developed. They are also the living witnesses which testify the deep impact of the capital of the Byzantine Empire, Constantinople.
Our goal is to make an archaeological exploration through a contemporary voyage in these six countries in order to captivate all these connections that are still alive and consist the modern “face” of the whole region which offers a lot of touristic possibilities.

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  • Direction: YORGOS BOTSOS