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Eleusinian Mysteries

By 07/02/2012November 8th, 2021No Comments

During the “Aeschylia Festival” organized every year by the Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Eleusis, the Greek painter and sculptor Diohandi presented “Eleusis 2010” an art installation at the old olive factory of the town. Diohandi’s research is based on the recreation of the surroundings through a connection between space and time. Her work is made “in situ” and it is installed in seven buildings, each one containing one, two or even more spaces. They are obviously referring to the cultural history of the place based on the deeper meaning of the famous Eleusinian Mysteries.

The artistic interventions tend to complete and co-operate with the buildings environment in order to create a journey –made and defined- through successive changes of elements, materials, sound and lighting.

The material she used is debris, stones, wood, bricks, cement, concrete blocks, soil and water,  all found in the factory. Diohandi aims to transmit the feeling that the viewer experiences and the message he receives when he is inside the old factory from the combination of architecture, sculpture, painting and environment.


  • Production: GEORGE PAPADATOS