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Imagine a world where everything in nature, from the landscapes and oceans to the weather and the animals, reflected the willful activities of a pantheon of powerful gods; where every plant, every animal, every geological feature had a story that linked it directly to the supernatural. Once upon a time, for a brief shining moment, such a place existed: this was Ancient Greece. A world of fascinating wildlife. This was the Garden of the Gods.
Greece is a place of astonishing diversity with seven of the most varied and extreme habitats of any country in Europe, ranging from the marine world to freshwater wetlands, alpine meadows to underground grottos. This is a country of contrasts, of thousands of islands scattered across the deep blue waters of the Mediterranean, and a mainland where snow-capped mountains tower over green valleys. Such rich habitat support a stunning variety of wildlife: wolves and owls in the forests, dolphins and turtles in the sea, scorpions and vipers in the dry scrubland, even blind rodents underground.
This film takes an extraordinary journey across the beautiful natural world of Greece, into the stories of the Gods who once presided here, and featuring the animals that inspired them.